
Welcome. Why a Blog?

We’ve all heard it before; probably even said it ourselves. ‘Someday, I’ll…” – fill in the blank.

Someday, I’ll travel, make more time for fun, do something just for me, have the job I want, lose weight….the list goes on, seemingly forever.

I’m here to tell you that I’m on a mission. A mission to find my Someday.

A mission to reclaim my life and fill it with all of the things I have put off until the uncertain, possibly never happening date of ‘someday.’ Someday, for me, has arrived.

Who am I?

I used to define myself in terms of labels – mother, corporate trainer, wife, daughter. But no longer.

I am a 48 year old (at the time of this writing) woman in search of my lost life. In search of all of the things I promised myself I would do, Someday.

I’ve given up on the idea of a perfect life – the 2.2 children, nice home in the suburbs, white picket fence. It’s just not in the cards for me. Instead, I’ve found myself twice divorced, living in a rented condo with my youngest daughter.

Lest you feel sorry for me, this is a life that has been about choices and consequences, and I proudly own them all.

In the past few years, I’ve found myself at a corporate job that I might like, if it weren’t for some of the people and processes that stressed me beyond repair. I suffered a mini stroke two years ago, and am again on medical leave due to unrelenting daily migraines for the past eight months.

During this time out of the rat race, I’ve had time to think. To think a lot. The things that continue to surface in my thinking are all of the things I’ve put off in my life to care for others, to be responsible. About all of the things I’ve shoved into the “Someday” folder – all of the things I’ve wanted, but not dared to do.

I think I’ve had enough waiting.

Why should you care?

I’ve always been a little bit of an experience junkie. I’ve taken every opportunity to do things that come across my path that are ‘once in a lifetime’ type experiences.

I’ve started businesses. I’ve bought an 18th century Victorian home with plans of restoring it and creating a bed and breakfast. I’ve toured a farm-to-freezer pig factory. I trained for roller derby while in my 40s. I’ve learned photography. I’ve traveled to big cities and small towns and reveled in the unique beauty of each.

And I want more. I am ready to open the folder of Someday and explore what I’ve been missing all of these years. And I want to share it with you.

Please join me on my next adventures!

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